Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nap Time!

So it's been a while... after I posted that I wanted at least update this once a week I stopped! Oops! Well I was inspired today I guess. Little man is napping. :) I love when he gets his rest because I know it makes him a happier baby.
  This is so sweet!

We had Mom's club today. Talked about boundaries with kiddos. Even though Grayden is not to the age where any of this applies yet, I love to hear all about it. I love hearing the other mom's talk about what their kids are doing and how they are teaching them respect and morals. It's very helpful and great to get a plan before we get to that stage. We also made the cutest little May Day cards! 
Who should I send them to?

I am going to keep it short today. I have lots of updating to do. I will leave you with a few more pictures.

Grayden helping Papa Larry celebrate his Birthday!

Our little dragon

Visiting Daddy at the park for lunch

Tired little Bunny!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pot Holders

Grayden and I had Mom's Club today! It was pretty fun. It was Grayden's second time in the nursery, but we left the kiddos at the church while we went downtown to the quilt shop. I am not going to lie I was really nervous about leaving him. I was even having nightmares about me leaving him with horrible babysitters. But he did great. I rushed around all morning and made sure to pump some milk for him, but I guess he didn't even need it. 

So while Grayden was relaxing with the sweet old ladies in the nursery, mom was trying to sew! Key word TRYING. Incase I forget to mention I have been really wanting to learn how to sew. I feel as if it should be a requirement of my new job SAHM and something I must learn to do as a new mommy. What if Grayden wants me to sew him a cool costume or something someday, I mean really I want to be that cool mom that can make him an original costume. 

It was the perfect setting and I was already to learn. They had the squares all cut out for us and the batting. It was perfect. I sat down at the machine and felt like I was in grade school again. I had to keep raising my hand because I totally forgot everything I learned in middle school Home Ec. It was pretty sad. Needless to say I need to keep TRYING. It wasn't horrible, but it sure wasn't pretty. I am really hoping that I can talk my wonderful husband into buying me a sewing machine for some holiday coming up. (easter, mother's day, flag day, 4th of July) Come on, one of them! So he can support yet another one of my "wish I could's" 

Don't Judge, you may be getting one for Christmas! 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is worth it all....

Okay I think before I get to far into this blogging thingy I need to establish why I even started this blog. To be honest, I have probably spent a good year obsessing over other people’s blogs. I loved to read what other’s had to say, see their craft projects, and their cute little kids and the fun things they planned with them. I have found so many blogs that have inspired me to want to do all sorts of stuff. For a long time I wanted to start a blog, but knew I would not come across as witty or crafty as some of these amazing woman who start some of these blogs. I had nothing to write about I felt and really who would read it anyway?

But of course after having Grayden and experiencing the joys of motherhood. I thought HEY! I can have a blog too!  No one has to read it, that shouldn’t stop me from having one.  Then came the big dilemma, what to name my blog?  I could have just done the Briscoe family, but I wanted it to be more than that, while browsing beautiful necklaces at The Vintage Pearl and Lisa Leonard.  I came across a necklace that said YOU ARE WORTH IT ALL. I loved it, but got this one instead.

It says Grayden... Don't you love it?

It really was how I felt about Grayden. All this joy, anxiety, love, learning, and fear I have of being a new mommy in the end he is worth it all. Then I began to look at my life… I have an absolutely wonderful and amazing, husband, who I am madly in love with, who I probably don’t tell often enough how lucky I feel to be married to him. I have a beautiful house that my talented husband has made into a home for our family. I have in my eyes the most perfect little boy, who is loved sooo much.  We are also very lucky to be surrounded by the best family and friends. So I thought this was it!! THIS IS WORTH IT ALL.  My life is just how I want it to be. But of course not everything is perfect and we all wish we were more crafty, smart, funny, in shape. We all have things that we think would make our life better or easier. But really when I stop thinking beyond what I want this is all I NEED. In the end this IS worth it all, I wouldn’t trade our journey for anything else.

So this blog is going to be a place for me to write and remember all the special little things that make us a family. It will be kind of like a journal that I hope I will make time for at least once a week if not more. That way we can look back at all our memories. I hope to still be inspired by other Mom’s blogs. So my dreams of becoming more crafty and witty will come true, but in the meantime I am going to try my very best everyday to be the best Mommy to Grayden and the best wife to his Daddy. 

Our weekend...

I figured I needed to update from what we did last weekend means it's already Thursday tomorrow. Little late I know. Friday Jeff's Grandpa came to visit, so that would make it Grayden's Great Grandpa Foster and his wife Mindy. They live in Bend and made a quick trip to the Valley to see us, Uncle Bob and his sister Carol. I think he thought Grayden was pretty special and I think Grayden liked meeting him too!

What do you think??

Just missing Grandma Gi Gi and we would have had 4 generations.

Saturday we went out to lunch with some friends in corvallis that was a lot of fun. Our friend's have a 14 month old so it was fun to see what we have in store for us next year. Let's just say when going out to lunch, you better tip your waitress extra. :) On our way back home we stopped by Grandma Gi Gi's so she could get her Grayden fix too! 

I think someone LOVES Grayden!

As for Sunday we just spent time together as our little family. We went to Garlands Nursery to browse vegetable seeds and trees. We are going to plant a vegetable garden this year, so we were just checking it out and getting ideas for things we wanted to plant. We will probably get started this Mother's Day! Which I might add I am so looking forward to. 

Love his Monkey Shirt!

We took a Sunday afternoon nap. Momma was tired.